Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 141 - 150 of 154 of research organizations in Germany:

Our research is centered on Nanomanipulation, Self-assembly, SPM development, NanoBioScience, Nanogeology, NanoTribology and NanoBioInformatics.
The objective of the team is to study the physical and chemical properties of single adsorbates and adsorbate structures on insulating films on the atomic length scale.
The BSc. Nanoscience program is a German language program and can be completed within three years.
The MSc Nanoscience program is a German language program and can be completed after the BSc program.
The Master in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the University of Siegen is a two-year 120 ECTS English language degree program offered to national and international students. It focuses on modern aspects of the science and technology of nanoscopic systems, ranging from basic knowledge to applications and devices. It consists of a set of lectures, seminars and lab courses followed by a project in a research group, accomplished by a thesis.
The research mission of the institute is to explore how chemical processes work on a microscopic scale, to develop novel methods and systems for micro and nanochemistry, and to apply this knowledge to develop novel intelligent microsystem devices, e.g. for lab-on-chip technology.
The group has broad interests in the interaction of optical, electric, and magnetic fields with matter at small length scales. They work on new 3-D fabrication methods, self-assembly, actuation, and propulsion. They have observed a number of fundamental effects and are developing new experimental techniques and instruments.
The focus of our research is to synthesize molecules whose ability to selectively recognize biomolecular targets is improved over that of unmodified biomolecules and to employ this capability to develop new functional entities. The molecular recognition phenomena of interest include the recognition of transition states, i.e. the generation of new biomimetic catalysts.
(German language site) The center's objectives are technology and know-how transfer; to develop dedicated solutions and materials; to develop market-oriented innovative products by utilising the know-how of the partners
Das Ziel der Ausbildung ist es, den Studierenden Kenntnisse auf den wichtigsten Teilgebieten der Nanostrukturtechnik zu vermitteln und sie mit den Methoden des ingenieurwissenschaftlichen und physikalischen Denkens und Arbeitens vertraut zu machen.