Nanotechnology Research Laboratories


Showing results 101 - 110 of 154 of research organizations in Germany:

The Biotechnological Centre (BIOTEC) of the Technische Universität Dresden is a unique interdisciplinary centre focussing on research and teaching in molecular bio-engineering. The BIOTEC hosts top international research groups dedicated to genomics, proteomics, biophysics, cellular machine, tissue engineering, and bioinformatics.
The new Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN) will particularly focus on '4D AMASE - 4D Advanced Materials Analysis for Science and Engineering', with the goal to become an internationally visible center of competence as well as a European user facility in the field of solid state and materials analysis.
Research areas include molecular electronics, multiscale phenomena and supramolecular (bio)aggregates.
The program Molecular Bioengineering aims to teach students the fundamentals in biomedicine and bio-nanotechnology combining biology and technology, which are linked in two ways: On the one hand, biological knowledge on cells is applied to develop the notion of molecular factories; on the other hand, nanotechnology and bioinformatics are enabling technologies applicable to engineer biomaterials for medical applications.
The 2-year master program aims to teach students the fundamentals in biophysics and bio-nanotechnology with a twofold aim: to use nanotechnological approaches to better characterize and understand complex molecular machines such as biomolecules, but also to harness these molecules in technological systems or use them as templates or model systems for a bottom-up nanotechnology.
The Master's Program in Organic and Molecular Electronics is designed to provide students with professional skills needed to advance a successful international career in the cutting edge field of organic electronics. It offers an interdisciplinary study program comprising physics, chemistry, electrical engineering and materials science. The close collaboration with industry partners enables a highly practice-oriented education. Moreover, we strongly focus on developing soft skills required in an everyday professional lives of our future graduates, such us project management, patent law, and much more.
The group is dealing with the development and the application of structure determination methods in solids down to atomic resolution. The intention is to correlate the structure with physical properties.
The center aims at providing the competitive edge in biology-inspired materials research for scientists, enterprises and public associations.
Zunächst werden im Bachelor-Studiengang 'NanoEngineering' die grundlegenden Methoden der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften erarbeitet. Die ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen setzen sich aus Modulen des Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus mit den Schwerpunkten Mechanik und Thermodynamik, Elektrotechnik, Materialwissenschaften und Informatik zusammen. Parallel hierzu werden Grundlagen der Nanotechnologie aufgebaut.
CeNIDE is based on the strongly interdisciplinary research excellence in the area of Nanotechnology at the University Duisburg-Essen. This includes an exceptionally broad knowledge base in fundamental nanoscience, unique fabrication facilities for nanoscale materials in large quantities, and experience in questions of scalability and reliability.