Showing reports 121 - 130 of 172 in category :

Nanotechnology: Health and Environmental Risks of Nanoparticles
Source: Umweltbundesamt (German Federal Environment Agency) – Publication date: August 2006
Initiated and coordinated by BAuA (Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health), UBA (Federal Environment Agency), BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) and BAuA have developed a joint research strategy, that addresses especially health and environmental risks of engineered nanoparticles.

Nanotechnology: Innovation for tomorrow's world
Source: European Commission – Publication date: April 2005
The aim of this brochure is to illustrate to the public what nanotechnology is and thereby to stimulate the discussion. By describing the scientific background, technological developments, areas of application, and potential developments of the future, this brochure provides a complex and comprehensive picture of nanotechnology as we see it in our days.

Nanotechnology: Shaping the World Atom by Atom
Source: U.S. National Science and Technology Council – Publication date: December 1999
A general introduction to nanotechnology from 1999. The report cover's combination of a scanning tunneling microscope image of a silicon crystal's atomic surfacescape with cosmic imagery evokes the vastness of nanoscience's potential.

Nanotechnology: Societal Implications - Maximizing Benefits for Humanity
Source: National Nanotechnology Initiative – Publication date: December 2003
A report exploring potential societal impacts of nanotechnology and identifying key areas for related research.

National Nanotechnology Initiative - Second Assessment and Recommendations
Source: President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology – Publication date: April 2008
The Act that created the National Nanotechnology Advisory Panel (NNAP) calls for this advisory body to conduct a review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative and report its findings to the President. This is the second report of the NNAP under the Act.

National Nanotechnology Initiative - Strategic Plan 2007
Source: National Nanotechnology Initiative – Publication date: December 2007
The 2007 NNI Strategic Plan describes the vision, goals, and priorities of the NNI. Through the approach described in this new Strategic Plan, the NNI will ensure that the United States derives growing economic benefits and improved quality of life for its citizens, and remains a global leader in nanotechnology R&D in the years to come.

New Dimensions for Manufacturing A UK Strategy for Nanotechnology
Source: UK Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform – Publication date: June 2002
Report of the UK Advisory Group on Nanotechnology Applications. This report offers to Government the considered views of a group of academic and industry experts on the steps that need to be taken if the UK is to build on its current investments in nanotechnology research and become a world class player in nanotechnology applications. It gives a realistic assessment of where we stand in relation to our major industrial competitors in realising the potential of this fundamenatally new approach to manufacturing.

NIA Masterclass & Workshop: REACH for Nanomaterials
Source: Nanotechnology Industries Association – Publication date: May 2007
The new European law on chemicals, REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), entered into force on June 1, 2007. This report of the NIA Masterclass & Workshop: Micromega - REACH for Nanomaterials includes a detailed analysis of the potential scenarios for 'Nanomaterials under REACH', and consequential 'Next Steps' conclusions.

Novel Materials in the Environment: The case of Nanotechnology
Source: Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution – Publication date: November 2008
The report was prompted by concerns about potential releases to the environment from industrial applications of metals and minerals that have not previously been widely used. As the majority of the evidence the Commission received was almost entirely focussed on manufactured nanomaterials, the Commission decided to focus on this sector, as an exemplar. The report examines issues related to innovation in the materials sector and the challenges and benefits arising from the introduction of novel materials (specifically nanomaterials).

Opinion on the Ethical Aspects of Nanomedicine
Source: European Commission – Publication date: June 2006
This report by the European Group on Ethics (EGE), an independent and multidisciplinary body which advises the European Commission on ethical aspects of science and new technologies, is a summary of the presentations and discussions on the topic of Nanomedicine, which took place in Brussels, Belgium on March 21, 2006.

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