Showing reports 101 - 110 of 172 in category :

Nanotechnology and its Implications for the Health of the EU Citizen
Source: Nanoforum – Publication date: December 2003
This report focuses on those areas in which nanotechnology is having a direct impact and includes diagnostics, drug discovery and delivery, surgery, tissue engineering and implants.

Nanotechnology and the Developing World
Source: University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics (JCB) – Publication date: April 2005
Global experts rank top 10 nanotechnology applications to aid poor.

Nanotechnology and the Poor: Opportunities and Risks
Source: Meridian Institute – Publication date: January 2005
Meridian Institute released a paper in January 2005 to raise awareness about the implications of nanotechnology for poor people, both the potential opportunities and risks. The paper is subtitled "Closing the Gaps Within and Between Sectors of Society."

Nanotechnology Commercialization
Source: Nanoforum – Publication date: April 2004
This is a report of the Nanoforum workshop on the commercialisation challenges of nanotechnology. The workshop took place in Helsinki, Finland on March 29th 2007.

Nanotechnology for disaster relief and development cooperation
Source: Hessen Nanotech – Publication date: November 2011
The number of areas in which nanotechnology is applied is steadily increasing due to their unique role as cross-sectional technology. In the last few years, the versatile opportunities of nanotechnology predominantly received recognition in the areas of improved efficiency, resource conservation and more sustainable production mechanisms. However, a number of improved and innovative solutions in the areas of Disaster Relief and Development Cooperation are now also on the market.

Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food Production: Anticipated Application
Source: Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies – Publication date: September 2006
Thanks to nanotechnology, tomorrow's food will be designed by shaping molecules and atoms.

Nanotechnology in Construction
Source: Nanoforum – Publication date: November 2006
This report describes the impact that nanotechnology is having in the construction industry. It includes an analysis of applications in concrete; steel; wood; glass; coatings; fire protection and detection; and sustainability and the environment. A survey of experts in the construction industry reveals their opinions on the understanding of nanotechnology by the industry, where R&D is going and what might be needed to achieve these goals.

Nanotechnology in Construction
Source: ObservatoryNANO – Publication date: June 2009
This report provides information on the existing applications of nanotechnology in construction and the relevant existing products on the market. Being an enabling tool nanotechnology finds applications in many areas of construction. In the first year of ObservatoryNANO project this study has focused on construction ceramics, cement, glass, insulation systems and paints.

Nanotechnology in Consumer Products
Source: Nanoforum – Publication date: October 2006
This report provides an overview of nanotechnological improved consumer products on the market. In addition a comprehensive list of effects and innovations is evaluating what is really nano in todays nanotechnology products.

Nanotechnology in Food and Agriculture
Source: Nanoforum – Publication date: May 2006
Nanotechnology is predicted to transform the entire food industry, changing the way food is produced, processed, packaged, transported, and consumed. This short report reviews the key aspects of these transformations, highlighting current research in the agrifood industry and what future impacts these may have.

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