Nanotechnology Products, Applications & Instruments


Showing results 101 - 125 of 174 for companies in category Materials:

Nanotech coatings for metal surfaces.
Nano-Care AG has been one of the most influential nanotechnology companies in Germany for years. The foundation of our corporate activities is the development of functional surface coating systems as well as all pertinent services.
The company develops, produces, and commercializes nano-based materials for the industries and the research.
Nanoparticle-treated textile products.
Develops and produces customized materials, such as coatings, in the field of chemical nanotechnology with multi-functional properties.
NANOARC is a nanomaterial design & manufacture company, with industrial-scale nanotechnology solutions & consultancy services for the energy, construction, automobile, aerospace & biotech industries.
The company develops, refines and produces natural and synthetic clays and tailor made nanoadditives to enhance the performance of plastics and bioplastics in various industrial applications.
NanoChem products in the chemicals and wastewater treatment industries enhance productivity through effective use of new materials with novel properties and superior performance.
NanoChem is at the forefront of providing unique protein-based polymers that provide competitive performance for various products and processes environmental concerns for the creation of non-toxic products for a wide range of industrial, agricultural and consumer markets.
Nanochem Technologies is an industrial coatings manufacturer that provides solution-oriented services and products.
Nanologica engineers nanoporous materials for use in a range of industries, from pharmaceuticals to petrochemicals. Their patented technique enables them to create structures that have novel properties and functions based on their size, shape or composition that boost efficiency and lower manufacturing costs.
A nanomaterials company creating nano particles at industrial volumes applied to a range of energy storage applications.
Manufactures SiO2 nano layer surface coatings.
Develops nanotech surface sealing products.
Develops and manufactures nanostructures surface coatings.
Founded on commercial agreements with Rice University and the University of Houston, NanoRidge has exclusive licenses for the use of technologies focused on applications of carbon nanotubes and other nanoparticles for production and sales of advanced nanomaterials.
The company translates the benefits of nanotechnology into practical solutions for biomedical, research and commercial needs. Nanoshell specialize in the design, fabrication, and integration of functional nanomaterials into transformational products and systems.
NanoSperse enables innovation for its customers by assisting them in the design and development of nanocomposites and by supplying commercial quantities to meet their needs.
A system developer, distribution and consulting company specialized in nanotechnology product implementation and applications, primarily coatings.
Nanovere Technologies specializes in the research and development of self-cleaning and car key resistant coatings based on nanotechnology.
Nanovia has the capacity for industrial production of nanofibrous material. This capacity is used for manufacturing barrier fabrics introduced to the market under its own brand names Nanovia AntiAllergy, Nanovia AntiMicrobe and Nanovia Waterproof, as well as Nanovia filtration materials. Nanovia offers its own production capacity for custom-made nanofibrous materials for different applications and final products.
The company manufactures and distributes a TiO2 nano-photocatalyst.
A nanomaterials company developing proprietary technologies and processes to provide novel properties for a wide range of applications that include industrial polymers, plastics, composites and additives.
The inspiration for NBD came from the Namib Desert Beetle, a beetle that has the ability to harvest water every morning in the Namibian desert. Based on years of research coming from elite university laboratories, NBD focuses on thin film coatings that enhance heat transfer through condensation, de-misting and anti-scaling characteristics.
Develops, manufactures and distributes nanoscale materials to create significant performance improvements in high-volume manufactured goods.