Nanotechnology Products, Applications & Instruments


Showing results 76 - 100 of 145 for companies in category Technology:

The company offers a comprehensive and diverse array of foundry processes and design expertise to take MEMS and nanoscale projects from prototyping to production.
Micralyne, a pioneer in Lab-on-a-Chip microfluidics, has significant know-how in developing and manufacturing microfluidic chip devices. The company's experience is used to develop Lab-on-a-Chip offerings within the life sciences industry. Capabilities include a proprietary method to deposit engineered nanostructured thin films (GLAD) for next generation nano and micro devices.
Whether you need idea testing, prototype development, or manufacturing support, MicroContinuum provides nanofabrication expertise and proprietary technologies to make micro- and nanoscale patterns, textures, and embossed structures on flexible and rigid substrates.
Micro Magnetics is a leader in commercial applications of spintronics, a new technology which combines the fields of magnetism, electronics, and nanotechnology.
The Micro-Bio-Nano Company. MiniFAB offers customized manufacturing and advanced product development, exploiting leading edge polymer microfabrication. The company's business is the design, fabrication and integration of polymer microengineered systems.
The company develops methods for the production of nano- and microparticles in microjet reactors.
The company develops Modumetal™, a nanolaminated alloy that is stronger and lighter than steel and will replace conventional metals and composites in many applications, starting with military armor, and eventually in cars, planes, buildings, and other transportation and construction sectors.
The company is working with key industry partners to develop the commercial application of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs).
The company was established to develop and commercialize a breakthrough form of modified carbon nanotubes (CNTs), called MOLECULAR REBAR®. The CNTs are disentangled from the usual clumping and individualized through a patent-protected process which enables significantly enhanced performance for a myriad of high-value materials.
Biological and chemical sensors and nano-emissive display technology.
The company develops an unique surface functionalization technology.
NanoOne Industrial group is including state of the art R&D and the factory for producing nonmaterial and functional coating for several industries. The company was awarded as the best nanotechnology corporation in Iran in 2008.
NanOasis is utilizing carbon nanotube technology to make reverse osmosis membranes having breakthrough properties that will dramatically reduce the cost and energy itensity of desalination, water purification and other fluids separations.
Nanocomp Ltd is a high-tech company with extensive experimental as well as theoretical knowledge on diffractive optics. Services include Nano- and microstructure patterning.
Nanofilm provides consistent high quality thin-film coatings with superior adhesion. Nanofilm's coatings operate from the visible through the infrared spectral wavelengths. Custom coatings can also be applied to meet customer specifications.
The company is an internationally recognized authority in the field of Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc (FCVA) Technology. Nanofilm's FCVA coating technology represents a significant advancement in thin film deposition, and is the result of 7 years ground-breaking work by a team of researchers led by Associate Professor Dr. Shi Xu, the Chairman and co-founder of Nanofilm.
The company's service offering is concentrated on polymer processing, coating, piezoelectric ceramics sensors and material characterisation.
Nanoplus was founded in 1998 as a spin-off from the department of Technical Physics at Würzburg University to transfer research results into applications and products with a specialization in optoelectronics devices and customer specific micro- and nanostructuring.
Develops products based on a technology platform that allows the fabrication of nanostructures from one or more inorganic materials,
The company manufactures and sells benchtop systems for growing high quality carbon nanotubes for education, research and product development. They also have CNT arrays available for sale that are more than adequate for research or product development purposes.
Nanovis develops, manufactures and markets nanotechnical systems for surface treatment of organic and inorganic solids, such as plastic, ceramic, glass or metal parts.
Northwest Mettech Corp. is dedicated to enabling the production and application of engineered nanopowders and coatings using the Company's proprietary arc plasma technology.
Novomer is pioneering a family of high-performance green plastics, polymers and other chemicals to meet the of markets looking for new, advanced materials that combine environmentally friendly attributes, biodegradability, high quality, and low cost.
An industrial high-tech company focusing on machine and systems engineering. Oerlikon stands for leading industrial solutions and cutting-edge technology in textile production, thin film coating, propulsion, precision and vacuum technology.
Developed two material platforms for energy, security and communications applications: nanoporous membranes and organic semiconductor materials.