Nanotechnology Products, Applications & Instruments


Showing results 26 - 50 of 145 for companies in category Technology:

Develops technologies based on polymer light emitting diodes (PLEDs).
Cambridge Nanotherm Ltd, was established in 2010 to commercialise proprietary nano-ceramic technology for use in the electronic industry. The technology has been developed by internationally renowned scientists who are co-founders of the company.
Cavitation Technologies, Inc. (CTi) is an innovative leader in processing liquids, fluidic mixtures, emulsions and suspended solids. The Company has commercialized its patent-pending CTi Nano Neutralization process, offering the refiners of edible oils and fats significant yield improvements, substantial cost savings and environmental benefits. As an add-on to existing neutralization systems, the Company's patented Nano Reactor allows refiners to significantly reduce the processing costs, increase the yield and perfect the oil's quality.
CemeCon is one of the most successful companies globally specializing in state-of-the-art coating solutions for cutting tools and components. CemeCon is offering a comprehensive variety of services at highest level.
Ceres uses its Nanotrap technology - a spherical, carbon-based nanoparticle designed to collect, concentrate, isolate and preserve the smallest and scarcest of molecules found in body fluids - to pursue a range of applications in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as well as uses in sports screening, homeland security and environmental remediation.
Ceres is an industry leader in Molecule Delivery Systems, Advanced Systems Manufacturing and Metrology & Measurement Systems
Cerion Nanomaterials is a leader in the science of designing, scaling and manufacturing metal, metal oxide and ceramic nanomaterials for companies developing products or systems.
The company has developed a process to utilize nanoscale properties by first functionalizing nanoparticles and then incorporating them into a base material (polymers, metals, ceramics or composites).
In its mission to create the next generation of photonic solutions, Chiral Photonics continues to advance the discovery and to develop ever more technologies related to chiral photophysics and glass microfabrication.
Comptek Solutions is a forerunner in III-V compound semiconductor quantum surface engineering.
CORIAL designs and manufactures plasma etch and deposition systems.
Correlated Magnetics is a revolutionary scientific breakthrough that enables magnets to be 'programmed' such that they can produce never-before-seen behaviors far beyond the simple 'attract' and 'repel' of conventional single-axis dipole magnets. This new technology, which can be scaled down to the nanoscale, can be used both to improve existing products currently employing magnets and to empower innovative new products in applications where conventional magnets were never considered practical.
Vacuum coating techniques for research, electron microscopy and product development.
DCN Corp is a pioneering R&D company with core specialist skills in the development and understanding of nanoparticle displacement for the advancement of nanotechnology solutions.
Works on various nanotechnology applications such as for instance a plasma processing technology that allows for the development of a wide range of super-functional, high molecular weight, and even bio-functional, nanocoatings that can be deposited on materials by room temperature plasma without the need for vacuum equipment.
ELEKTROFORM specializes in electroplating and electroforming with nickel. The company's services include the electrodeposition of High Grade Nickel, MIKRO-Nickel™, Bright Nickel, Nickel-Silicon-Carbide (ElNiSil), Nickel-Cobalt, Nickel-Cobalt-Silicon-Carbide and Nickel-Phosphorus.
Energetiq is a developer and manufacturer of short wavelength light sources for use in advanced scientific and engineering applications. Its light sources are based on new technology that generates high brightness light in the 1nm to 250nm range with high reliability in a compact package.
Develops and produces value-added nanoproducts for global markets - special materials, components and parts using chemical nanotechnology.
Precision molding technology with nanometer precision.
The company delivers a wide range of products for purifying, protecting and transporting critical materials used in processing and manufacturing in semiconductor and other high tech industries.
Entrepix is a provider of Chemical Mechanical Polishing (CMP) process outsourcing and equipment services. The company provides production, integration and optimization services to IDMs, OEMs, MEMS, nanotechnology and CMP consumables suppliers.
The company provides organometallic precursor R&D and manufacturing, working with a wide range of organometallics, metals, air-sensitive materials, rare-earth derivatives, ligands and other building blocks used in deposition precursors for the production of electronics, photovoltaics, and fine and specialty chemicals.
FEMTOPRINT is an innovative technology based on the use of a femtolaser to create a large variety of micro-devices out of glass or other substrates with optical properties.
The company has created precise molecule traps, opening up a new avenue of MOF design. Using a trapping method reminiscent of the biomimetic recognition employed by receptors in nature, single molecule traps were structured to strengthen the interaction with confining material without the permanence of a chemical reaction. framergy provides Metal Organic Frameworks and single molecule traps as a reliable, high-volume, high-quality, low cost product for clean energy and other applications.
Frontier NanoSystems is commercializing an advanced additive, high productivity manufacturing technology that can efficiently produce ultra-high performance materials, including metals/alloys/superalloys, ceramics/electroceramics and semiconductors and integrate them into high-value products with applications in the microelectronics, aerospace, energy, transportation, oil and gas, and other industry sectors.