Nanotechnology Products, Applications & Instruments


Showing results 1 - 20 of 67 for companies in category in USA:

The CSpace Volumetric Imaging System (static volume display technology) is the company's flagship technology that is being rapidly developed. CSpace uses a clear volumetric image space within which invisible nano-size up-conversion material is dispersed. A volumetric 3D image is rendered when invisible laser beams are precisely directed into the image space, exciting the nano-materials to emit visible light and thus display a full color, volumetric image.
The company develops and markets innovative AFM products and components for research, development, OEMs and education.
Agilent's nanotechnology instruments allow to image, manipulate, and characterize a wide variety of nanoscale behaviors - electrical, chemical, biological, molecular, and atomic.
A creator of innovative MEMS devices, AFM and SPM probes, and precision nanostructures such as nano-membranes and nano-pores.
Asylum Research is a technology leader for atomic force and scanning probe microscopy (AFM/SPM) for a wide range of applications including, polymers, energy storage, semiconductors, 2D materials, piezo and ferroelectrics, and biomaterials.
Brookhaven Instruments offers superior instrumentation for nanoparticle, protein, and polymer characterization.
Brooks is a worldwide provider of semiconductor and factory automation wafer handling robots and systems, vacuum instrumentation, cryopumps and life science storage systems and devices.
Bruker is one of the world's leading analytical instrumentation companies. Bruker systems cover a broad spectrum of applications in all fields of research and development and are used in all industrial production processes for the purpose of ensuring quality and process reliability.
The company has developed a unique process for the deterministic production of carbon nanotube (CNT) devices. This process allows Carbon Design Innovations to predictably produce CNTs with specified geometries and properties such as angle and length that offer many benefits for atomic force microscopes.
CRAIC Technologies™ is a developer of UV-visible-NIR range scientific instruments for microanalysis. These include the QDI series UV-visible-NIR microspectrophotometer instruments designed to non-destructively measure the optical properties of microscopic samples. CRAIC's UVM series microscopes cover the UV, visible and NIR range and hel analyze with sub-micron resolutions far beyond the visible range.
CytoViva offers a Dual Mode Fluorescence (DMF) module and high resolution adapter as a comprehensive package for optically imaging emulsions, nano-particles and nano-composites by themselves, or combined with living specimens.
Daylight Solutions is a manufacturer of advanced molecular detection and imaging instruments as well as the world's leading manufacturer of miniature, room-temperature, mid-infrared lasers.
Del Mar offers integration of femtosecond laser systems for research of ultrafast dynamics in nanophotonics, as well as multiphoton imaging, scanning probe microscopy, micromachining, ultrafast fluorescent kinetic and transient pump-probe absorption spectroscopy systems.
Eastern Applied Research is an XRF Calibration Standards Laboratory that provides certification and manufacturing of all types of calibration standards for x-ray fluorescence instruments. The company provides new standards for coating thickness measurements, RoHS detection, precious metals analysis and more.
EDAX is a leader in Energy Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis, Electron Backscatter Diffraction and Micro X-ray Fluorescence systems. EDAX manufactures markets and services high-quality products and systems for leading companies in semiconductors, metals, and geological, biological, material and ceramics markets.
Electron Microscopy Sciences is specializing in the manufacturing, preparation, and distribution of only the highest quality chemicals, supplies, and equipment, for microscopy, and all of its related fields.
Extrel is a leading manufacturer of Research and Process Mass Spectrometers, Residual Gas Analyzers, Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry Systems and Components.
Filmetrics is a leader in affordable and easy-to-use instruments for measuring film thickness (30 Angstrom to 450 micrometer), index of refraction, and deposition rates. Wavelengths available from 200nm to 1700nm. Configurations available for tabletop, in-situ, and in-line applications.
Offers sample preparation instruments and advanced imaging technology. Their SEM and TEM products are particularly suited for nanotechnology applications.
Since 1961 Gamma Scientific has produced LED, display and light measurement test solutions for production and R&D environments. With over 50 years of innovation in optics, photonics and optoelectronics metrology, Gamma Scientific instruments are trusted by leading global organizations that require high-speed, precision measurements and custom configurations for the most challenging environments.