Nanotechnology Products, Applications & Instruments


Showing results 1 - 7 of 7 for companies in category in France:

CILAS develops, manufactures and markets a wide range of lasers, optronics products and systems for defence, civilian, military security, large-scale scientific laser programmes, and scientific-industrial instrumentation. The company also coordinates the European project Saphir for the safe, integrated and controlled production of nanostructured products.
The company specializes in the development and commercialization of microfluidic instrumentation.
Develops flow control devices for micro- and nanofluidic research.
Develops customized Focused Ion and Electron Beam columns and related equipment such as Gas Injection Systems.
A manufacturer and supplier of front-end equipment for molecular beam epitaxy machines and components for the compound semiconductor community.
The company provides equipment for precise deposition of colloidal micro- and nanoparticles on surfaces.
STIL manufactures and sells stand-alone chromatic confocal sensors as well as a turnkey high precision, multi-sensor 3D measuring system (MICROMESURE).