Nanotechnology Products, Applications & Instruments


Showing results 1 - 7 of 7 of companies in Singapore:

Developes and manufactures nano-ceramic coatings.
Helios Applied Systems Private Limited is a startup company incorporated in 2008, providing solutions in 3D nanofabrication. The company headquarter is in Singapore and is partnered with Zugo Photonics and Ilios Systems. Helios Applied Systems currently offer products based on proprietary two-photon technology. The HAS1000™ is a single beam ?scan and step? tool that is able to fabricate arbitrary 3D polymer structure that has sub-micron resolution. To complement the tool, Helios offers a biocompatible grade photopolymer MPP1000™. A foundry service will be starting in the near future, to fabricate a variety of submicron structures on various substrates, in our class 100 cleanroom.
The company is an internationally recognized authority in the field of Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc (FCVA) Technology. Nanofilm's FCVA coating technology represents a significant advancement in thin film deposition, and is the result of 7 years ground-breaking work by a team of researchers led by Associate Professor Dr. Shi Xu, the Chairman and co-founder of Nanofilm.
The company manufactures and distributes a TiO2 nano-photocatalyst.
A manufacturer of nanocoatings, one of the most immediate aims of Omniyo is to make the environment a safer and healthier place through the propagation of breakthrough healthcare technologies that transform surfaces to become 'self-sanitizing' in which deleterious bacteria and viruses are eliminated upon contact so as to reduce the risk of infections and promote greater hygiene throughout the world.
Defects such as pinholes, cracks and grain boundaries are common in thin oxide barrier films when fabricated onto plastic substrates. These defects cause a 'pore effect', where oxygen and water molecules are able to seep through and penetrate the plastic barrier. TBF has taken an innovative approach to resolve the ?pore effect? by literally plugging the defects in the barrier oxide films using nanoparticles.
Manufactures nanoscale coatings for glass surfaces.