Nanotechnology Commercial Organizations – Directory


Showing results 496 - 510 of 616 for nanotechnology companies in USA:

Manufactures monomer and polymer products including gold nanoparticles and a line of precision microparticles useful for measurement in nanotechnology applications.
Porifera Inc. was founded with the goal of developing membranes with vastly superior permeability, durability, and selectivity for water purification and other applications such as carbon sequestration. The company's vision is to use carbon nanotubes to improve membrane performance, enabling affordable and plentiful fresh drinking water worldwide.
A law firm with expertise in IP law relevant to nanotechnology. Publishes the Nanotechnology Law Report blog.
Powdermet specializes in modifying powder and particulate surfaces through applying metal and ceramic coatings onto particulate matrices. The company designs, develops, and manufactures metal and ceramic nanoengineered fine powders and particulates using fluidized bed surface modification technology.
PPG is actively involved in nanotechnology, from Research & Development to the commercialization of several products that either contain nanoparticles within a polymeric matrix structure or are formed as nanostructured films on a substrate by physical or chemical vapor deposition processes.
Manufactures nanocomposite wires.
Manufactures ultra precision diamond machining systems for single point diamond turning, precision grinding and diamond milling of spherical, aspheric and non-axis symmetric (freeform) optics, optical molds and precision mechanical components.
Provides services to many nanotechnology market segments and has considerable experience in the synthesis and isolation of nanoparticles.
Presto Engineering, Inc. is a provider of product engineering services to the semiconductor industry. The company's in-silicon analysis capabilities are part of the company?s Design Success Analysis™ offering for process technologies down to the 45nm node.
The company manufactures nanowire batteries.
A world leader in measuring the electrical properties of materials at the nanoscale.
Primet Precision Materials designs and manufactures an extensive array of nanopowders and material systems.
Spectroscopy and imaging instruments.
Prior Scientific, Inc., is a leading manufacturer of microscopes, programmable motorized stages, fiber optic microscopy inspection equipment, and microscopy accessories for a variety of applications.
Promega's products are used in life science research, particularly in genomics, proteomics, and cellular analysis to support molecular diagnostics and human identification.