X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS): Unraveling the Atomic and Electronic Structure of Materials

What is X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)?

X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is a powerful analytical technique that probes the local atomic and electronic structure of materials by measuring the absorption of X-rays as a function of their energy. XAS provides element-specific information about the oxidation state, coordination chemistry, and local geometry of atoms in a wide range of materials, including nanomaterials, catalysts, and biological systems.

Key Concepts in XAS

XAS is based on several fundamental concepts:
  • X-ray Absorption: When X-rays pass through a sample, they can be absorbed by the atoms in the material, exciting core-level electrons to unoccupied states above the Fermi level. The probability of X-ray absorption depends on the energy of the X-rays and the atomic number of the absorbing atom.
  • Absorption Edges: Each element has characteristic X-ray absorption edges that correspond to the binding energies of its core-level electrons (e.g., K, L, M edges). The edge energies are element-specific and sensitive to the oxidation state and local environment of the absorbing atom.
  • XANES and EXAFS: An X-ray absorption spectrum is typically divided into two regions: the X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES), which spans the edge region and provides information about the oxidation state and coordination geometry, and the Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS), which extends to higher energies and provides information about the local atomic structure, such as bond distances and coordination numbers.

XAS Techniques

XAS experiments can be performed in different modes depending on the sample and the information of interest:

Transmission XAS

In transmission XAS, the X-rays pass through a thin sample, and the transmitted intensity is measured as a function of energy. This mode is suitable for concentrated samples with uniform thickness and provides direct information about the bulk properties of the material.

Fluorescence XAS

In fluorescence XAS, the X-rays excite the sample, and the resulting X-ray fluorescence is detected. This mode is suitable for dilute or inhomogeneous samples, such as nanomaterials or biological systems, and provides surface-sensitive information.

Electron Yield XAS

In electron yield XAS, the X-rays excite the sample, and the resulting electrons (photoelectrons, Auger electrons) are detected. This mode is highly surface-sensitive and provides information about the electronic structure and chemical composition of the sample surface.

Data Analysis in XAS

The analysis of XAS data involves several steps:
  • Background Subtraction: The raw XAS data contains contributions from the background absorption, which must be subtracted to isolate the absorption from the element of interest.
  • Normalization: The XAS data is normalized to account for variations in sample thickness and concentration, allowing for direct comparison between different samples or experimental conditions.
  • XANES Analysis: The XANES region is analyzed by comparing the edge position, intensity, and shape with reference compounds of known oxidation state and coordination geometry. Linear combination fitting and principal component analysis can be used to quantify the contribution of different species in a mixed sample.
  • EXAFS Analysis: The EXAFS region is analyzed by extracting the oscillatory part of the spectrum, which contains information about the local atomic structure. The EXAFS data is Fourier transformed to yield a radial distribution function, which is fit with theoretical models to determine bond distances, coordination numbers, and disorder parameters.

Applications of XAS in Nanotechnology

XAS is a valuable tool for characterizing nanomaterials and understanding their unique properties:

Nanoparticle Synthesis and Functionalization

XAS can monitor the formation and growth of nanoparticles during synthesis, providing insights into the reaction mechanism and the role of precursors, ligands, and reaction conditions. XAS can also probe the surface chemistry and functionalization of nanoparticles, which is crucial for their stability and reactivity.


XAS is widely used to study the local structure and electronic properties of catalytic nanomaterials, such as metal nanoparticles, oxide supports, and single-atom catalysts. XAS can identify the active sites, monitor the oxidation state and coordination environment under reaction conditions, and elucidate the structure-activity relationships in nanocatalysis.

Energy Materials

XAS is a powerful tool for investigating the local structure and charge storage mechanisms in energy materials, such as battery electrodes, fuel cell catalysts, and photovoltaic materials. XAS can probe the redox behavior, ionic diffusion, and interfacial reactions in these materials, providing insights into their performance and degradation mechanisms.

Advantages and Limitations of XAS

XAS offers several advantages for studying nanomaterials:
  • Element-specificity: XAS probes the local environment of a specific element, allowing for the study of complex and heterogeneous materials.
  • In situ and operando capabilities: XAS can be performed under realistic conditions, such as high temperatures, pressures, or applied potentials, enabling the study of dynamic processes and reaction mechanisms.
  • Sensitivity to low concentrations: XAS can detect elements at ppm levels, making it suitable for studying dilute systems or trace impurities.
However, XAS also has some limitations:
  • Synchrotron requirement: XAS experiments typically require a synchrotron radiation source, which limits the accessibility and throughput of the technique.
  • Sample preparation: XAS samples must be uniform, thin, and free of contaminants, which can be challenging for some materials or in situ conditions.
  • Data interpretation: The analysis of XAS data can be complex and requires expertise in both experimental methods and theoretical modeling.

Future Directions in XAS

XAS continues to evolve with developments in synchrotron radiation sources, detector technologies, and data analysis methods. Some future directions in XAS include:
  • Time-resolved XAS: The use of fast detectors and pump-probe schemes enables the study of dynamic processes with millisecond to femtosecond time resolution.
  • Imaging XAS: The combination of XAS with microscopy techniques, such as scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM)/ or X-ray nanoprobe, allows for spatially resolved studies of heterogeneous materials.
  • Machine learning in XAS: The application of machine learning algorithms to XAS data analysis can accelerate the interpretation of complex spectra and the discovery of new structure-property relationships.
As XAS continues to advance, it will provide new insights into the atomic and electronic structure of nanomaterials, enabling the rational design and optimization of functional materials for a wide range of applications.

Further Reading