
TiO2 nanopowder


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  • Jainik Malaviya,Tech4nano
  • TiO2 nanopowder

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  • Tech4nano
  • Jainik Malaviya
  • N/A
  • Ahmedabad
  • Gujarat
  • India
  • N/A

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  • Jainik Malaviya,Tech4nano
  • Product Category
    Binary compound nanoparticles

    Element name

    Compound name

    Purity (%)





    Product Name : Tungsten Oxide / Tungsten trioxide
    Product number : TFNO-100-006
    CAS No : 1314-35-8
    Chamical Name : WO3
    Molecular weight : 231.84 gm/mol
    Density : 7.16 gm/cm3
    Crystal Structure : Monoclinic
    Purity : > 99.5%
    Particle size : < 100nm

    Applications of Tungsten Oxide Nanoparticles:

    ● x-ray screen phosphors, catalysis, thin-film electronics
    ● high-power batteries, solar cells, hard materials, thermionic cathodes
    ● Pigments, lubricating additives
    ● mechanical polishing applications and electrical contacts, laser printers
    ● chemical sensors, biomedical sensors, anti-static coatings
    ● x-ray tubes, X-ray device anodes, magnetrons for microwave ovens and electron tubes,
    ● high power semiconductor rectifying devices, high voltage breakers
    ● incandescent lamps such as household lamps
    ● automotive lamps, and reflector lamps for floodlight or projector applications
    ● audio-visual projectors, fiber-optical systems, airport runway markers,photo printers
    ● medical and scientific instruments, and stage or studio systems
    ● High temperature furnace parts such as heating coils, reflectors, thermocouples

  • It’s a pleasure to introduce you to Tech4Nano, which is a Gujarat based nano
    powder manufacturing industry. After intense research and survey by the scientific
    and technical team, tech4nanohas its own process to manufacture variety of nano
    powders with different size distribution. Tech4Nano uses environment friendly and
    chemical free technique and own designed machineries to manufacture different
    nano powders. Tech4nano committed towards maintaining as well as upgrading its
    product quality to meet the best of its possible as per international standards. At
    this stage tech4nao has capacity to deliver 2.5tons of oxide nano powders per
    annum. It has planning of expansion of its capacity to 10tons/annum by end of this
    year to meet future needs.
    Tech4nano has started its journey to marketing its products. Products are available
    in the packet of 25gm, 50gm, 100gm, 500gm, 1kg and also in bulk quantity. We
    have capability of manufacturing nano powders with wide range of particle size, as
    per customers demand. Tech4nano believe in growing together and building a
    better future. Hence we welcome everyone to join us in the journey of making
    better future. All are welcome to share your scientific thoughts and requirements.
    You may please contact us over [email protected] or [email protected]
    For more details about the products, please visit to our website
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