  • CoreAFM - The best value research AFM

CoreAFM - The best value research AFM


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  • Sales Team,Nanosurf AG
  • CoreAFM - The best value research AFM

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  • Nanosurf AG
  • Sales Team
  • Gräubernstrasse 12-14
  • Liestal
  • N/A
  • Switzerland
  • +41 61 927 47 47

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  • Sales Team,Nanosurf AG

  • The CoreAFM is an allround research-grade AFM with a high level of integration and compact system design. It is seamlessly extendable to perform almost any AFM mode, including measurements in liquid, biological measurements and Fluid Probe Force Microscopy with the FluidFM add-on. It is easy to set up and use, with a comparatively small footprint. It is the most versatile and extendable AFM in its class, making it the instrument of choice for materials researchers in need for a wide range of measurement capabilities. Different sample stages allow easy switching between AFM techniques, and a highly modular design concept promises lower overall costs for extending its capabilities.

    - Most versatile AFM in its class
    - High level of integration
    - Best value research-grade AFM available
    - Genius sample stage concept

  • Founded in 1997, Nanosurf is a Swiss-based high-tech company providing scanning probe microscopes to customers around the globe. Our product range starts with very compact instruments, followed by state-of-the-art research systems, all the way up to fully customized and comprehensive solutions. Our customers in research, industry and teaching value the innovative approach, the modularity, and the ease of use of our products.
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