  • Scout 350 HAR
  • Scout 350 HAR
  • Scout 350 HAR

Scout 350 HAR


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  • Joanna Evangelides,Nu Nano Ltd
  • Scout 350 HAR

Contact Details

  • Nu Nano Ltd
  • Joanna Evangelides
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • United Kingdom
  • N/A

Contact Supplier

  • Joanna Evangelides,Nu Nano Ltd

  • AC mode silicon AFM probes with a high aspect ratio tip. Ideal for deep trench imaging with non-contact/tapping modes in air, on hard samples and stable softer samples.

    Spring constant: 42 N/m
    Resonant frequency: 350 kHz
    High aspect ratio: Cone angle of < 15 ° over the final 1 μm of the tip

    Available with or without Al reflex backside coating.

  • NuNano is a UK-based company specialising in the design and manufacture of probes for atomic force microscopy (AFM) and cantilever-based sensor devices. NuNano manufactures AFM probes with the tightest dimensional tolerances in the market at present.
    Visit company website

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