  • Nanogrid for AFM Calibration

Nanogrid for AFM Calibration


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  • Sales Team,BudgetSensors®
  • Nanogrid for AFM Calibration

Contact Details

  • BudgetSensors®
  • Sales Team
  • 48, F. Joliot Curie St.
  • Sofia
  • N/A
  • Bulgaria
  • +359 2 9630941

Contact Supplier

  • Sales Team,BudgetSensors®

  • BudgetSensors® offers a XYZ Calibration Nanogrid with 20 nm Step Height and 500 nm Period, which is unique worldwide. Contact us for more information!

  • BudgetSensors® is the world leading manufacturer of affordable AFM probes and calibration gratings for AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy). Established in 2001, BudgetSensors® has steadily expanded their range of AFM probes and calibration gratings, now covering all major AFM applications and measurement modes. BudgetSensors® products are known for their excellent quality/price ratio. They are being distributed worldwide, by a wide net of distribution partners, as well as online through a web shop on the BudgetSensors® website.

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