Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers discover salty solution to better, safer batteries

Researchers have devised a groundbreaking 'Water-in-Salt' aqueous Lithium ion battery technology that could provide power, efficiency and longevity comparable to today's Lithium-ion batteries, but without the fire risk, poisonous chemicals and environmental hazards of current Lithium batteries.

Nov 19th, 2015

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Smart supercapacitor fiber with shape memory

Researchers have introduced a new type of fiber-shaped supercapacitor for energy-storage textiles. Thanks to their shape memory, these textiles could potentially adapt to different body types: shapes formed by stretching and bending remain 'frozen', but can be returned to their original form or reshaped as desired.

Nov 19th, 2015

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3D nanostructure of a bone made visible

Traditional computer tomography can only be used to determine the density but not the local orientation of the underlying nanostructure. Researchers have now overcome this limitation thanks to an innovative computer-based algorithm.

Nov 19th, 2015

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