Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Some like it hot: Simulating single particle excitations

Understanding and manipulating plasmons is important for their potential use in photovoltaics, solar cell water splitting, and sunlight-induced fuel production from CO2. Researchers have used a real-time numerical algorithm to study both the plasmon and hot carrier within the same framework. That is critical for understanding how long a particle stays excited, and whether there is energy backflow from hot carrier to plasmon.

Dec 17th, 2015

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A molecular light switch?... Just add water

A bit of stray moisture during an experiment tipped off scientists about the strange behavior of a complex oxide material they were studying - shedding light on its potential for improving chemical sensors, computing and information storage.

Dec 16th, 2015

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The tiniest color picture ever printed

The printed image measures a minuscule 0.0092 square mm in area, or 80 x 115 microns. That's about the cross-sectional area of a human hair or the area covered by a single pixel of a retina display.

Dec 16th, 2015

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