Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scientists extend the reach of single crystals

Materials scientists and physicists have demonstrated a new method of making single crystals that could enable a wider range of materials to be used in microelectronics, solar energy devices and other high-technology applications.

Mar 22nd, 2016

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Solid electrolytes open doors to solid-state batteries

Japanese scientists have synthesized two crystal materials that show great promise as solid electrolytes. All-solid-state batteries built using the solid electrolytes exhibit excellent properties, including high power and high energy densities, and could be used in long-distance electric vehicles.

Mar 22nd, 2016

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Wrinkles and crumples make graphene better

Crumple a piece of paper and it's probably destined for the trash can, but new research shows that repeatedly crumpling sheets of the nanomaterial graphene can actually enhance some of its properties. In some cases, the more crumpled the better.

Mar 21st, 2016

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