Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scientists divide magnetic vortices into collectivists and individualists

In manganese monosilicide, microscopic magnetic vortices - skyrmions - may behave as 'collectivists' or 'individuals', i.e. they are able to create a single structure, or they can also split up individually. Studying the behaviour of skyrmions will help to create unique quantum devices based on new physical principles.

Mar 31st, 2016

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An up-close view of bacterial motors

Over millennia, bacteria have evolved a variety of specialized mechanisms to move themselves through their particular environments. In two recent studies researchers used a state-of-the-art imaging technique to capture, for the first time, three-dimensional views of this tiny complicated machinery in bacteria.

Mar 29th, 2016

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How to make metal alloys that stand up to hydrogen

High-tech metal alloys are widely used in important materials such as the cladding that protects the fuel inside a nuclear reactor. But even the best alloys degrade over time. Now, researchers has found a way of greatly reducing the damaging effects these metals suffer from exposure to hydrogen.

Mar 29th, 2016

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