Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Seeing atoms

Transmission electron microscope (TEM) technique reveals atomic movements useful for next-generation devices.

Jun 7th, 2016

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Disorder grants a memory to quantum spins

It has been an open question whether interacting collections of quantum particles can also localize, a phenomenon known as many-body localization. Now, researchers have directly observed this localization in a system of 10 interacting ions, trapped and zapped by electric fields and lasers.

Jun 7th, 2016

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From living computers to nanorobots: how we're taking DNA beyond genetics

DNA is one of the most amazing molecules in nature, providing a way to carry the instructions needed to create almost any lifeform on Earth in a microscopic package. Now scientists are finding ways to push DNA even further, using it not just to store information but to create physical components in a range of biological machines.

Jun 7th, 2016

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Nanogenerator powers implantable heart monitor

Researchers have demonstrated an implantable triboelectric nanogenerator for in vivo biomechanical energy harvesting, which has a multilayered structure and exhibits outstanding in vivo performance and stability.

Jun 7th, 2016

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Thanks to nanoparticles, glass now has smart potential

Researchers have developed a method for embedding light-emitting nanoparticles into glass without losing any of their unique properties - a major step towards 'smart glass' applications such as 3D display screens or remote radiation sensors.

Jun 7th, 2016

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