Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Graphene could revolutionize the internet of things

Researchers have produced a tunable, graphene-based device that could significantly increase the speed and efficiency of wireless communication systems. Their system works at very high frequencies, delivering unprecedented results.

Jul 8th, 2016

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Flipping crystals improves solar-cell performance

In a step that could bring perovskite crystals closer to use in the burgeoning solar power industry, researchers have tweaked their crystal production method and developed a new type of two-dimensional layered perovskite with outstanding stability and more than triple the material's previous power conversion efficiency.

Jul 6th, 2016

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A faster future: Graphene-based optoelectronics

As an important step towards graphene integration in silicon photonics, researchers have published a paper which shows how graphene can provide a simple solution for silicon photodetection in the telecommunication wavelengths.

Jul 6th, 2016

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