Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Diamond proves useful material for growing graphene

Material scientists have developed a method to grow graphene that contains relatively few impurities and costs less to make, in a shorter time and at lower temperatures compared to the processes widely used to make graphene today.

Sep 19th, 2016

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Towards stable propagation of light in nanophotonic fibers

Devices based on light, rather than electrons, could revolutionize the speed and security of our future computers. However, one of the major challenges in today's physics is the design of photonic devices, able to transport and switch light through circuits in a stable way. Researchers now have studied how to achieve a more stable propagation of light for future optical technologies.

Sep 19th, 2016

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Deep insight into interfaces

Interfaces between different materials and their properties are of key importance for modern technology. Physicists have developed a new method, which allows them to have an extremely precise glance at these interfaces and to model their properties.

Sep 16th, 2016

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Uniform 'hairy' nanorods have potential energy, biomedical applications

Materials scientists have developed a new strategy for crafting one-dimensional nanorods from a wide range of precursor materials. Based on a cellulose backbone, the system relies on the growth of block copolymer 'arms' that help create a compartment to serve as a nanometer-scale chemical reactor. The outer blocks of the arms prevent aggregation of the nanorods.

Sep 16th, 2016

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