Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

'Weighing' atoms with electrons

Researchers used an advanced scanning transmission electron microscope to measure isotopes in nanometer-sized areas of a graphene sample. The same energetic electrons that form an image of the graphene structure can also eject one atom at a time due to scattering at a carbon nucleus.

Oct 11th, 2016

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Silkworms eating graphene spin silk twice as strong

Scientists fed the silkworms mulberry leaves coated in a solution that contained graphene in order to create the material. Applications for the material created include wearable electronics, durable fabrics and biodegradable medical implants.

Oct 11th, 2016

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New 3D design for mobile microbatteries

Researchers succeeded in improving the energy density of a rechargeable battery without increasing its size. This feat was achieved by developing a 3D structure made of microtubes, the first step towards producing a complete microbattery.

Oct 11th, 2016

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Lights, action, electrons!

Electrons are far too small and fast to be seen, even with the help of a light microscope. This has made measuring an electron's movement very difficult for the past century. However, new research has made this process much easier.

Oct 10th, 2016

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Physicists observe diffusion of individual atoms in light bath

In a combination of experiments and theory the diffusion of individual atoms in periodic systems was understood for the first time. The interaction of individual atoms with light at ultralow temperatures close to the absolute zero temperature point provides new insights into ergodicity, the basic assumption of thermodynamics.

Oct 10th, 2016

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Metamaterial uses light to control its motion

Researchers have designed a device that uses light to manipulate its mechanical properties. The device, which was fabricated using a plasmomechanical metamaterial, operates through a unique mechanism that couples its optical and mechanical resonances, enabling it to oscillate indefinitely using energy absorbed from light.

Oct 10th, 2016

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