Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanostrings that can vibrate forever (kind of)

Researchers have engineered string-like resonators capable of vibrating longer at ambient temperature than any previously known solid-state object. Their study pushes the edge of nanotechnology and machine learning to make some of the world's most sensitive mechanical sensors.

May 22nd, 2024

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Controlling the chaos of active fluids

Physicists have developed design rules that take advantage of topological defects to control self-sustained chaotic flows in active fluids. This framework, for now developed as a theoretical model, provides a path for the engineering of self-powered fluids with tunable flows.

May 22nd, 2024

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AI chips could get a sense of time

Timekeeping in the brain is done with neurons that relax at different rates after receiving a signal; now memristors - hardware analogues of neurons - can do that too.

May 20th, 2024

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