Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoengineers create the ultimate natural sunscreen

Researchers report the development of nanoparticles that mimic the behavior of natural melanosomes, melanin-producing cell structures that protect our skin, eyes and other tissues from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

May 17th, 2017

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A superior near-infrared organic light emitting diode

Researchers have shown record external quantum efficiencies for diodes based on organic red/NIR oligomers free from heavy/toxic metals and combining electron-withdrawing (A) moieties together with electron-donating (D) ones, in a previously poorly studied A-D-A motif.

May 16th, 2017

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Oddball enzyme provides easy path to synthetic biomaterials

Materials scientists have written the recipe on how to use an oddball enzyme to build new biomaterials out of DNA. The work provides instructions for researchers the world over to build self-assembling molecules for applications ranging from drug delivery to nanowires.

May 16th, 2017

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