Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanostructures taste the rainbow

Combining nanophotonics and thermoelectrics, engineers generate materials capable of distinguishing between tiny differences in wavelengths of light.

Jun 28th, 2017

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Swimming microbots can remove pathogenic bacteria from water

Researchers designed 'two-faced' spherical particles to perform the task. One face is made with magnesium, which reacts with water to produce hydrogen bubbles to propel the microbots. The other face is made out of alternating iron and gold layers topped by silver nanoparticles.

Jun 28th, 2017

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Vortex-antivortex pairs found in magnetic trilayers

A international team of researchers has discovered magnetic vortex-antivortex pairs arising from correlated electron spins in a newly engineered trilayer material. The discovery could advance memory cells and points to the potential development of 3-D magnetic logic circuits.

Jun 28th, 2017

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Supersensitive through quantum entanglement

Physicists have demonstrated the deterministic generation of entangled photon states using a single semiconductor quantum dot, and could thereby outperform fundamental sensitivity boundaries, unattainable with classical light.

Jun 28th, 2017

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Lab-made synapses for artificial intelligence

Scientists have developed an artificial synapse capable of simulating a fundamental function of our nervous system - the release of inhibitory and stimulatory signals from the same 'pre-synaptic' terminal.

Jun 28th, 2017

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