Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Breath instead of a blood test

Scientists have developed a method for the highly convenient, real-time monitoring of lipolysis by testing a person's exhalations during exercise.

Oct 10th, 2017

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A particle accelerator on a microchip

The largest particle accelerator in the world has a circumference of around 26 kilometres. Researchers are attempting to go to the other extreme by building the world's smallest machine of this kind - a particle accelerator that fits on a microchip.

Oct 10th, 2017

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Single 'solitons' promising for optical technologies

Researchers are a step closer to harnessing single pulses of light called solitons, using tiny ring-shaped microresonators, in findings that could aid efforts to develop advanced sensors, high-speed optical communications and research tools.

Oct 9th, 2017

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Nanoparticles that stick wounds together

In spite of medical advances, wound-related complications arising after operations can still be life-threatening. In order to avoid these complications in the future, researchers have developed a new nanoparticle-based tissue glue.

Oct 9th, 2017

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Novel circuit design boosts wearable thermoelectric generators

Using flexible conducting polymers and novel circuitry patterns printed on paper, researchers have demonstrated proof-of-concept wearable thermoelectric generators that can harvest energy from body heat to power simple biosensors for measuring heart rate, respiration or other factors.

Oct 9th, 2017

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