Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Making rusty polymers for energy storage

Researchers have developed a straightforward way to make a type of conducting polymer with high surface area that is likely to be useful for energy transfer and storage applications.

Mar 30th, 2018

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What a mesh

A team of scientists from across the U.S. has found a new way to create molecular interconnections that can give a certain class of materials exciting new properties, including improving their ability to catalyze chemical reactions or harvest energy from light.

Mar 30th, 2018

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A paperlike LCD - thin, flexible, tough and cheap

Optoelectronic engineers have manufactured a special type of liquid crystal display (LCD) that is paper-thin, flexible, light and tough. With this, a daily newspaper could be uploaded onto a flexible paperlike display that could be updated as fast as the news cycles.

Mar 28th, 2018

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Knitting electronics with yarn batteries

When someone thinks about knitting, they usually don't conjure up an image of sweaters and scarves made of yarn that can power watches and lights. But that's just what one group is reporting.

Mar 28th, 2018

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Putting quantum scientists in the driver's seat

Scientists are conducting fundamental physics research that will lead to more control over mercurial quantum systems and materials. Their studies will enable advancements in quantum computing, sensing, simulation, and materials development.

Mar 27th, 2018

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