Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanodiamond turns into controllable light source

Researchers have developed a controlled light source based on nanodiamond. Experiments have shown that diamond shell doubles the emission speed light sources and helps to control them without any additional nano- and microstructures.

May 2nd, 2018

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Organic printing nanoinks may restore sight to blind people

Fabricated using cheap and widely-available organic pigments used in printing inks and cosmetics, a simple retinal prosthesis consists of tiny pixels like a digital camera sensor on a nanometric scale. Researchers hope that it can restore sight to blind people.

May 2nd, 2018

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Sweating the small stuff

A membrane with nanoscale pores allows controlled sweat stimulant release, paving the way to measure small samples of sweat in wearable biosensing devices.

May 1st, 2018

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Optimal propulsion: Helping nanorobots swim better

Researchers have completed an interdisciplinary study revealing the optimal configuration for nanoscale robots that can travel within the human body to perform a variety of tasks. The model improves previous nature-inspired models.

May 1st, 2018

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A reimagined future for sustainable nanomaterials

Engineered nanomaterials hold great promise for medicine, electronics, water treatment, and other fields. But when the materials are designed without critical information about environmental impacts at the start of the process, their long-term effects could undermine those advances. Researchers hope to change that.

May 1st, 2018

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