Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Deciphering the language of cells with a nanophotonic biosensor

Researchers have developed an innovative label-free method for studying the behavior of single cells continuously and in real time. By placing a cell in a small chamber containing nanosensors and observing it over many hours, it is possible to identify the cell's unique personality and understand how it communicates.

May 28th, 2018

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Wood to supercapacitors

Sustainable highly conductive electrode materials from ultrathin carbon nanofiber aerogels derived from nanofibrillated cellulose.

May 24th, 2018

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A thermal diode based on nanoscale thermal radiation

Researchers explore rectification in the near-field, where heat fluxes are much larger than those in the far-field and can exceed the blackbody limit of far-field thermal radiation, and demonstrate that rectification coefficients between VO2 and doped Si can exceed 50% in the near-field for moderate temperature differences.

May 24th, 2018

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Could a particle accelerator using laser-driven implosion become a reality?

Scientists have discovered a novel particle acceleration mechanism called 'Micro-bubble implosion,' in which super-high energy hydrogen ions (relativistic protons) are emitted at the moment when bubbles shrink to atomic size through the irradiation of hydrides with micron-sized spherical bubbles by ultraintense laser pulses.

May 24th, 2018

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