Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Next-generation optics in just two minutes of cooking time

One of the key building blocks of flexible photonic circuits and ultra-thin optics are metasurfaces. Engineers have now discovered a simple way of making these surfaces in just a few minutes -- without needing a clean room -- using a method already employed in manufacturing.

Feb 11th, 2019

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Quantum strangeness gives rise to new electronics

Quantum interference effects can cause substantial variation in the conductance properties of molecule-scale devices. By controlling the quantum interference, researchers showed that electrical conductance of a single molecule can be fine-tuned over two orders of magnitude.

Feb 11th, 2019

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Nanopore research hits a nerve

New research shows that synthetic solid-state nanopores can have finely tuned transport behaviors much like the biological channels that allow a neuron to fire.

Feb 8th, 2019

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