Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Physicists 'flash-freeze' crystal of 150 ions

Physicists have 'flash-frozen' a flat crystal of 150 beryllium ions (electrically charged atoms), opening new possibilities for simulating magnetism at the quantum scale and sensing signals from mysterious dark matter.

Feb 20th, 2019

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The holy grail of nanowire production

Researchers have come up with a way of growing nanowire networks in a highly controlled and fully reproducible manner. The key was to understand what happens at the onset of nanowire growth, which goes against currently accepted theories.

Feb 20th, 2019

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Nanopores make portable mass spectrometer for peptides a reality

Scientists have developed nanopores that can be used to directly measure the mass of peptides. Although the resolution needs to be improved, this proof of principle shows that a cheap and portable peptide mass spectrometer can be constructed using existing nanopore technology.

Feb 19th, 2019

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Semiconductors - When a defect might be beneficial

In the quest to design more efficient solar cells and light-emitting diodes (LEDs), a team of engineers has analyzed different types of defects in the semiconductor material that enables such devices to determine if and how they affect performance.

Feb 19th, 2019

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