Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

'Biological bandage' could help heal wounds

Scientists have developed a three-dimensional protein structure in the laboratory that could help to heal wounds in the future. It is conceivable that one day this network could be produced as a kind of 'biological bandage' from the blood of the person who will use it.

Mar 28th, 2019

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A new spin on organic semiconductors

Researchers have found that certain organic semiconducting materials can transport spin faster than they conduct charge, a phenomenon which could eventually power faster, more energy-efficient computers.

Mar 26th, 2019

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Bacteria could become a future source of electricity

In recent years, researchers have tried to capture the electrical current that bacteria generate through their own metabolism. So far, however, the transfer of the current from the bacteria to a receiving electrode has not been efficient at all. Now, they have achieved a slightly more efficient transfer of electrical current.

Mar 26th, 2019

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