Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Spider combs tame unruly nanofibers

Researchers have patterned an antiadhesive nanostructure inspired by the comb on spiders'legs onto a foil surface, creating a handy tool to control sticky lab-made nanomaterials for medical, smart textile and other applications.

Apr 22nd, 2020

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Scientists uncover major cause of resistance in solid electrolytes

The study involved two powerful techniques - electron holography and atom probe tomography - that allowed scientists to observe the boundaries at an unprecedentedly small scale. The resulting insights provide new avenues for tuning chemical properties in the material to improve performance.

Apr 22nd, 2020

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'Nanocardboard' flyers could serve as martian atmospheric probes

Engineers are suggesting a new way to explore the sky: tiny aircraft that weigh about as much as a fruit fly and have no moving parts. These flyers are plates of 'nanocardboard,' which levitate when bright light is shone on them. As one side heats up, the temperature differential gets air circulating through its hollow structure and shooting out of the corrugated channels that give it its name, thrusting it off the ground.

Apr 22nd, 2020

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Cool down fast to advance quantum nanotechnology

Rapidly cooling magnon particles proves a surprisingly effective way to create an elusive quantum state of matter, called a Bose-Einstein condensate. The discovery can help advance quantum physics research and is a step towards the long-term goal of quantum computing at room temperature.

Apr 21st, 2020

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Mass-produced microscopic sensors see the light

Theologians once pondered how many angels could dance on the head of a pin. Not to be outdone, researchers who build nanoscale electronics have developed microsensors so tiny, they can fit 30,000 on one side of a penny.

Apr 20th, 2020

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