Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Two-dimensional electronics get an atomic tune-up

Researchers have demonstrated a new technique that could engineer the band gap needed to improve the performance of semiconductors for next-generation electronics such as optoelectronics, thermoelectrics, and sensors.

Aug 20th, 2020

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Graphene sensors find subtleties in magnetic fields

Researchers used an ultrathin graphene 'sandwich' to create a tiny magnetic field sensor that can operate over a greater temperature range than previous sensors, while also detecting miniscule changes in magnetic fields that might otherwise get lost within a larger magnetic background.

Aug 20th, 2020

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Researchers create nanoclusters that mimic biomolecules

Researchers discovered a way to bind and stack nanoscale clusters of copper molecules that can self-assemble and mimic these complex biosystem structures at different length scales. The clusters provide a platform for developing new catalytic properties that extend beyond what traditional materials can offer.

Aug 20th, 2020

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Water nanofiltration membranes that can clean themselves

Scientists have developed a light-activated coating for filtration membranes - the kind used in water treatment facilities, at semiconductor manufacturing sites and within the food and beverage industry - to make them self-cleaning, eliminating the need to shut systems down in order to repair them.

Aug 19th, 2020

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