Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Nanoearthquakes control spin centers in SiC at room temperature

Researchers have demonstrated the use of elastic vibrations to manipulate the spin states of optically active color centers in SiC at room temperature. They show a non-trivial dependence of the acoustically induced spin transitions on the spin quantization direction, which can lead to chiral spin-acoustic resonances.

Sep 4th, 2020

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Lightning-fast atomic hand

Scientists have found a fascinating way to push an atom with controlled forces so quickly that they can choreograph the motion of a single molecule within less than a trillionth of a second. The extremely sharp needle of their unique ultrafast microscope serves as the technical basis: It carefully scans molecules, similar to a record player.

Sep 2nd, 2020

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Memory in a metal, enabled by quantum geometry

Researchers have invented a new data storage method: They make odd numbered layers slide relative to even-number layers in tungsten ditelluride, which is only 3nm thick. The arrangement of these atomic layers represents 0 and 1 for data storage.

Sep 1st, 2020

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