Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Researchers develop third and final 'made-to-order' nanotube synthesis technique

The typical 'top-down' method of producing carbon nanotubes does not allow for control over their diameter, length or which of three types will be produced. Control over two types has recently been demonstrated by producing their elementary 'nanobelt' molecules, and now researchers have developed a way to construct the third and last type, offering complete 'made-to-order' management of the synthesis of nanotube molecules.

Apr 1st, 2021

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A speed limit for spins

Scientists report that, when driven out of equilibrium by magnetic fields, a universal Doppler effect limits the maximal spin current in magnetic insulators. This finding is a surprising analogy to what happens in superconductors driven by electric fields and could provide a fundamental design principle for future nano-devices with computing science and power applications.

Mar 31st, 2021

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Researchers first to link silicon atoms on surfaces

A team consisting of various working groups from the fields of chemistry and physics are now the first to have linked silicon atoms on surfaces. From silicon polymers, the researchers hope for innovative material properties and new, promising candidates for potential applications.

Mar 30th, 2021

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