Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New light on making two-dimensional polymers

Researchers have developed a method to manufacture two-dimensional polymers with the thickness of a single molecule. The polymers are formed on a surface by the action of light. The discovery paves the way to new ultrathin and functional materials.

Jun 9th, 2021

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Novel compound reveals fundamental properties of smallest carbon nanotubes

Chemical rings of carbon and hydrogen atoms curve to form relatively stable structures capable of conducting electricity and more - but how do these curved systems change when new components are introduced? Researchers found that, with just a few sub-atomic additions, the properties can pivot to vary system states and behaviors, as demonstrated through a new synthesized chemical compound.

Jun 9th, 2021

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A quantum step to a heat switch with no moving parts

Researchers have discovered a new electronic property at the frontier between the thermal and quantum sciences in a specially engineered metal alloy - and in the process identified a promising material for future devices that could turn heat on and off with the application of a magnetic 'switch'.

Jun 7th, 2021

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