Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Falling in line: The simple design and control of MOF electric flow

Researchers developed a method to design and control the path of electron flow in a polycrystalline material. Using epitaxial growth approach, they address the electrical conductivity problem of thin film materials by realizing a highly conductive in-plane orientation of a metal-organic framework.

Jul 5th, 2021

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Miniature spectrometer for the smartphone

Recognizing fake drugs? Testing water samples ourselves? Checking the quality of air? In the future, it could be possible to do all this using a smartphone in a quick, cost-effective and straightforward way.

Jul 1st, 2021

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Thermal waves observed in semiconductor materials

A new study reports on the unexpected observation of thermal waves in germanium, a semiconductor material, for the first time. This phenomenon may allow a significant improvement in the performance of our electronic devices in a near future.

Jul 1st, 2021

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Introducing the world's thinnest technology - only two atoms thick

According to the researchers, the new technology proposes a way for storing electric information in the thinnest unit known to science, in one of the most stable and inert materials in nature. The allowed quantum-mechanical electron tunneling through the atomically thin film may boost the information reading process much beyond current technologies.

Jun 30th, 2021

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Growing 'metallic wood' to new heights

As a lattice of nanoscale nickel struts, metallic wood is full of cell-sized pores that radically decrease its density without sacrificing strength. Researchers have now solved a major problem preventing metallic wood from being manufactured at meaningful sizes: eliminating 'inverted cracks', a kind of defect that has plagued similar materials for decades.

Jun 29th, 2021

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