Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Metamaterials research challenges fundamental limits in photonics

Researchers are proposing a new way to modulate both the absorptive and the refractive qualities of metamaterials in real time, and their findings open intriguing new opportunities to control, in time and space, the propagation and scattering of waves for applications in various areas of wave physics and engineering.

Aug 10th, 2021

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Nano-thin electronic paper displays brilliant colors

Using a previously researched, porous and nanostructured material, containing tungsten trioxide, gold and platinum, researchers tried a new tactic - inverting the design in such a way as to allow the colours to appear much more accurately on the screen.

Aug 9th, 2021

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Qubits under pressure

A new type of atomic sensor made of boron nitride is based on a qubit in the crystal lattice and is superior to comparable sensors.

Aug 9th, 2021

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