Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

New nanotechnology calls published under EU FP7

The European Commission has published a number calls for nanoscience and nanotechnology proposals under the Cooperation - Research theme: 'Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies' program of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).

Dec 1st, 2007

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Nanotechnology, literature, and society

A gathering of researchers in the humanities, social sciences, physical sciences, and engineering to reflect on technological, cultural, literary, ethical, and social aspects of nanotechnology, the burgeoning science of atomic- and molecular-scale engineering and manufacture.

Nov 30th, 2007

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Nano-sized voltmeter measures electric fields deep within cells

A wireless, nano-scale voltmeter developed at the University of Michigan is overturning conventional wisdom about the physical environment inside cells. It may someday help researchers tackle such tricky medical issues as why cancer cells grow out of control and how damaged nerves might be mended.

Nov 30th, 2007

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Putin to double science spending

President Vladimir Putin promised that science spending would be doubled in two years, adding that it was crucial to ensuring the country's development.

Nov 30th, 2007

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Nanotechnology's rear view mirror

The New York Times today carries an article that deals with the recent Cornell University research describing how blending nanoscale particles of clay into a biodegradable plastic made it stronger yet quicker to decompose in compost.

Nov 29th, 2007

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