Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scanning a single protein, one amino acid at a time

Using nanopore DNA sequencing technology, researchers have managed to scan a single protein: by slowly moving a linearized protein through a tiny nanopore, one amino acid at the time, the researchers were able to read off electric currents that relate to the information content of the protein.

Nov 4th, 2021

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Nanoscale self-assembling salt-crystal 'origami' balls envelop liquids

Researchers have developed a technique whereby they can spontaneously encapsulate microscopic droplets of water and oil emulsion in a tiny sphere made of salt crystals - sort of like a minute, self-constructing origami soccer ball filled with liquid. The process could be used in a range of fields from more precise drug delivery to nanoscale medical devices.

Nov 4th, 2021

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New method to predict stress at atomic scale

The amount of stress a material can withstand before it cracks is critical information when designing aircraft, spacecraft, and other structures. Aerospace engineers used machine learning for the first time to predict stress in copper at the atomic scale.

Nov 3rd, 2021

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Color-changing indicator predicts algal blooms

Researchers have developed an indicator that changes color when exposed to rising levels of alkaline phosphatase - an enzyme that forecasts phytoplankton's exponential growth. This change can be detected by the naked eye or a smartphone.

Nov 3rd, 2021

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Engineers invent ultra-fast manufacturing technology

Researchers have figured out a way to speed up production of wearable, electronic sensorswithout having to use polymer binders - the industry standard in printing flexible sensors, which are often used to monitor vital signs in health care settings.

Nov 3rd, 2021

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Developing medicines - software incorporates the motion of atoms

In order for medicines to be effective, researchers need precise information about the surface molecules of viruses or bacteria, for example. Often, the motion of the atoms of these molecules is neglected while developing medicines. But this can have consequences for its effectiveness. A team of researchers is working on software that incorporates such motions.

Nov 3rd, 2021

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