Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Discovery of 'split' photon provides a new way to see light

Nearly a century after Italian physicist Ettore Majorana laid the groundwork for the discovery that electrons could be divided into halves, researchers predict that split photons may also exist. The finding advances the fundamental understanding of light and how it behaves.

Dec 13th, 2021

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The changing patterns of DNA microcapsules

Biophysicists have found ways to make and manipulate capsule-like DNA structures that could be used in the development of artificial molecular systems. Such systems could function, for example, inside the human body.

Dec 13th, 2021

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Development of a high-energy-resolution, LaB6 nanowire-based field emission gun

Scientists have developed a lanthanum hexaboride nanowire-based field emission gun that is installable on an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope (TEM). This combined unit is able to perform atomic resolution observation at an energy resolution of 0.2 eV - the highest resolution ever recorded for non-monochromatic electron guns - with a high current stability of 0.4%.

Dec 10th, 2021

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Materials from the future

Scientists have developed a new physical model for controlling elastic wave propagation - a model that may potentially impact various applications, including acoustic cloaking, enhanced sensing, and energy tunneling.

Dec 9th, 2021

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A new super-cooled microwave source boosts the scale-up of quantum computers

Researchers have developed a circuit that produces the high-quality microwave signals required to control quantum computers while operating at temperatures near absolute zero. This is a key step towards moving the control system closer to the quantum processor, which may make it possible to greatly increase the number of qubits in the processor.

Dec 9th, 2021

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