Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Lasers pushing the limits - a departure for more extreme light-matter interactions

In a quest to push the limits of intensity to achieve extreme light-matter interactions in large molecules, a team of researchers from RIKEN?s Advanced Science Institute in Wako, the SPring-8 Center in Harima, and the University of Tokyo, has demonstrated the ionisation and consequently the dissociation of nitrogen molecules using a free-electron laser.

Sep 11th, 2008

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'Impossible' molecule undergoes improbable chemistry

An unusual molecule once thought to be too strained to exist has been transformed into another contorted compound by RIKEN chemists, testing the limits of how far carbon-based molecules can be distorted by combining them with metal atoms.

Sep 11th, 2008

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Nano-size 'cargo ships' in blood stream target and kill tumor cells

Scientists have developed nanometer-sized 'cargo ships' that can sail throughout the body via the bloodstream without immediate detection from the body's immune radar system and ferry their cargo of anti-cancer drugs and markers into tumors that might otherwise go untreated or undetected.

Sep 11th, 2008

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Workshop on nanowire growth mechanisms

It is the aim of this workshop to stimulate discussions and understanding of the general mechanisms and structural features behind self-assembled nanowire growth within the wide range of materials systems.

Sep 11th, 2008

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Mysterious nature of glass explained by new theory

Archaeological evidence suggests that glass was first made in the Middle East sometime around 3000 B.C. However, almost 5,000 years later, scientists are still perplexed about how glassy materials make the transition from a molten state to a solid.

Sep 11th, 2008

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NVIDIA founder donates $30 million for innovative engineering center at Stanford

The Stanford School of Engineering today announced that Jen-Hsun Huang, the founder and chief executive officer of leading visual computing company NVIDIA and a Stanford electrical engineering alumnus, will donate $30 million to help build a modern and sustainable destination for education and research, the Jen-Hsun Huang School of Engineering Center.

Sep 10th, 2008

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