Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

A new imaging method for breast cancer using near infrared nanoparticles

A new imaging method for breast cancer has been developed by a team of scientists from Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and Penn State College of Medicine and the departments of Materials Science and Engineering and Physics at Penn State. Their researche utilizes encapsulated fluorescent molecules in calcium phosphate nanoparticles and non-toxic near infrared imaging.

Sep 26th, 2008

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A four-dimensional picture of our three-dimensional world

An international team of scientists from RIKEN at Brookhaven National Laboratory and elsewhere in the USA, Japan and the UK are testing the Standard Model - the foundation of high-energy physics that unifies three of the four known forces found in nature - by calculating a well-known nuclear decay process.

Sep 26th, 2008

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Metamaterials shake up electrons

A team at the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute in Wako has predicted that man-made structures called metamaterials could produce instabilities in electron beams.

Sep 26th, 2008

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New work allows scientists to create and study different types of graphene

A new graphene-based material that helps solve the structure of graphite oxide and could lead to other potential discoveries of the one-atom thick substance called graphene, which has applications in nanoelectronics, energy storage and production, and transportation such as airplanes and cars, has been created by researchers at The University of Texas at Austin.

Sep 25th, 2008

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Save-the-date: Major nanotechnology, energy, and biomed meeting

Next month in Boston, the AVS 55th International Symposium and Exhibition will showcase research from across the spectrum of science and engineering devoted to discoveries on the edge-in a vacuum, at interfaces, in plasmas, and in other controlled environments used to develop new materials and technologies.

Sep 25th, 2008

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Top nanotechnology nations push ahead

Governments and industries in nations around the world are investing billions of dollars, euros, yen, yuan and rubles to position themselves as leaders in the emerging enterprise called nanotechnology.

Sep 25th, 2008

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Nanoelectronics to the rescue of overheating computer chips

Two researchers at the University of Virginia's School of Engineering and Applied Science aim to lay the scientific groundwork that will solve the problem of ever hotter computer chips using nanoelectronics, considered the essential science for powering the next generation of computers.

Sep 25th, 2008

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Nanotechnology: Regulating the smallest details

Local lawyers and others working with business and technology can hear what nationally prominent scholar Gary Marchant thinks about the nano regulation issue when he talks from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the University of Dayton School of Law's Keller Hall.

Sep 25th, 2008

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Why metal alloys degrade

Metal alloys can fail unexpectedly in a wide range of applications - from jet engines to satellites to cell phones - and new research from the University of Michigan helps to explain why

Sep 24th, 2008

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