Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Buckypapers clarify electrical, optical behavior of nanotubes

Using highly uniform samples of carbon nanotubes - sorted by centrifuge for length - materials scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have made some of the most precise measurements yet of the concentrations at which delicate mats of nanotubes become transparent, conducting sheets.

Oct 15th, 2008

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Understanding carbon-trapping diatome genome could open up new nanotechnologies

Diatoms, mighty microscopic algae, have profound influence on climate, producing 20 percent of the oxygen we breathe by capturing atmospheric carbon and in so doing, countering the greenhouse effect. Since their evolutionary origins these photosynthetic wonders have come to acquire advantageous genes from bacterial, animal and plant ancestors enabling them to thrive in today's oceans.

Oct 15th, 2008

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Nano hamburgers, hot lips, and other cool nanotechnology images

Here is another set of cool images from the world of micro- and nanotechnology. The 34th International Conference on Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE08) has announced the micro- and nanograph contest winners of this year's conference held in Athens, Greece, from September 15-18.

Oct 15th, 2008

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EU-Projekt FIBLYS entwickelt Nanotechnologie Multifunktions-Werkzeug

Strukturierung und Manipulation auf der Nanoskala, eine gleichzeitige Beobachtung der Prozesse und eine sofortige Analytik - das sind Moeglichkeiten, von denen die Nanotechnologie heute nur traeumen kann. Im EU-Projekt FIBLYS soll ein 'Multi-Nano-Werkzeug' hergestellt werden, das all das ermoeglicht.

Oct 15th, 2008

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Nanomotor helps tiny object swim

Ayusman Sen, head of the Department of Chemistry at Penn State, makes tiny, metallic objects do something extraordinary - he makes them swim. Sen's work is driven by catalysis, the chemical phenomenon whereby a substance accelerates a chemical reaction but emerges unchanged at the end of the process.

Oct 14th, 2008

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Smart textiles - the new black

Smart fabrics and intelligent textiles - material that incorporates cunning molecules or clever electronics - is thriving and European research efforts are tackling some of the sector's toughest challenges.

Oct 14th, 2008

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University of Utah announces the establishment of the Nano Institute of Utah

Officials at the University of Utah announced today the establishment of the Nano Institute of Utah, representing a significant and decisive step in the state?s quest to bring together the university?s and the state?s nano science experts in diverse areas of chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, medicine and pharmacy.

Oct 14th, 2008

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