Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Scientists induce chirality in pre-biological molecules

The creation of chirality from the elementary building blocks of matter is one of the great mysteries of the origin of life. Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory have discovered a way to induce this handedness in pre-biological molecules.

Nov 29th, 2008

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Soft-matter nanotechnology to create artificial life forms

Owe Orwar, Professor of Physical Chemistry at Chalmers, has received a SEK 25 million (approximately $3 million) research grant from the European Research Council for a nanoscience program entitled 'Soft-Matter Nanotechnology to Create Artificial Life Forms'.

Nov 29th, 2008

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The 2008 Alberta Nanotech Showcase opened

The two-day event brings together Alberta's small-tech researchers, companies and special-purpose agencies and organizations, to share and exchange timely information on their work, their businesses, special programs and initiatives, challenges and opportunities.

Nov 28th, 2008

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Food safety implications of nanotechnology on agenda of World Health Organization and FAO

Given the increased global interest in the use of nanotechnology and concerns on the potential food safety implications, FAO and WHO have planned to convene a joint Expert Meeting which aims to identify knowledge gaps including issues on food safety, review current risk assessment procedures, consequently support further food safety research and develop global guidance on adequate and accurate methodologies to assess potential food safety risks that may arise from nanoparticles.

Nov 28th, 2008

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High-precision mirror allows nanometer-scale focussing of x-rays

Radiation from x-ray lasers such as x-ray free electron lasers are of wide interest, as they will allow a large number of applications such as the study of the structure of single molecules. However, for such applications to be realized, the x-rays need to be strongly focused at the nanoscale. Researchers in Japan have now developed a mirror suitable for this task.

Nov 28th, 2008

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SMEs make Europe's innovation clock tick

SMEs can have a huge impact on the world standing of European research. Just look at the work of IMS Nanofabrication, a brilliant star in the semiconductor constellation. And Europe's research funding programme has helped this tiny company shine all the more brightly.

Nov 27th, 2008

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Fast molecular rearrangements hold key to plastic's toughness

A new report says that subjecting a common plastic to physical stress - which causes the plastic to flow - also dramatically increases the motion of the material's constituent molecules, with molecular rearrangements occurring up to 1,000 times faster than without the stress.

Nov 27th, 2008

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3D nanowire FET extends transistor dimension scaling

French research institute CEA-LETI has successfully integrated on the same SOI wafer different types of advanced transistor structures like stacked nanowires transistors, FINFETs and independent dual gate FET, using a common flow compatible with standard planar FDSOI devices.

Nov 27th, 2008

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Using invisibility to increase visibility

Research into the development of invisibility devices has spurred two physicists' thought on the behaviour of light to overcome the seemingly intractable problem of optical singularities which could soon lead to the manufacturing of a perfect cat?s eye.

Nov 26th, 2008

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Harnessing light to drive nanomachines

Science fiction writers have long envisioned sailing a spacecraft by the optical force of the sun's light. But, the forces of sunlight are too weak to fill even the oversized sails that have been tried. Now a team led by researchers at the Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science has shown that the force of light indeed can be harnessed to drive machines - when the process is scaled to nano-proportions.

Nov 26th, 2008

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