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Zukunftskonferenz Nanotechnologie in Berlin

Am 19. Februar 2009 treffen Experten aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Wirtschaft in Berlin aufeinander, um die heute schon bedeutende Rolle der Nanotechnologie in der ostdeutschen Forschungs- und Wirtschaftslandschaft zu diskutieren.

Jan 14th, 2009

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Insights into polymer film instability could aid high-tech industries

While exploring the properties of polymer formation, a team of scientists at the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has made a fundamental discovery about these materials that could improve methods of creating the stable crystalline films that are widely used in electronics applications.

Jan 13th, 2009

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Super sensitive gas detector goes down the nanotubes

Researchers at NIST describe a new method for creating gas detectors so sensitive that some day they may be able to register these tiny emissions from a single cell, providing a new way to determine if drugs or nanoparticles harm cells or to study how cells communicate with one another.

Jan 13th, 2009

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U.S. Department of Energy kicks off 19th National Science Bowl

Thousands of high school and middle school students begin a journey this month that they hope will take them to the finals of the U.S. Department of Energy?s (DOE) annual National Science Bowl, America?s largest and most prestigious science competition for middle and high school students.

Jan 13th, 2009

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