Nanotechnology News – Latest Headlines

Towards a new generation of materials

Scientists have developed a mechanical method to generate and stabilise at room temperature and atmospheric pressure crystalline phases of metals that until now have only been stable at very high pressures.

Feb 10th, 2009

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For a healthy environment in a nanotechnology future

NanoImpactNet, The European Network on the Health and Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials, has announced a conference titled 'NanoImpactNet - for a healthy environment in a future with Nanotechnology' on March 23-27, 2009 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Feb 10th, 2009

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New technique boosts protein NMR imaging speeds

Researchers found a way of increasing sensitivity of solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance by doping samples at varying concentrations with the paramagnetic copper-acid solution Cu-EDTA, a chemical used in many industrial applications.

Feb 9th, 2009

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Cancer diagnosis now in 3D

University of Washington researchers have helped develop a new kind of microscope to visualize cells in three dimensions, an advance that could bring great progress in the field of early cancer detection.

Feb 9th, 2009

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